Monday, November 19, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving, I really love you guys!

I haven't exactly been social this past week - a lot is going on, and I'm overwhelmed & kinda tired. 

Usually I try to visit & comment, because I really do treasure my sweet blog-buddies. While it may sound silly, I've gotten to know so many beautiful souls these past few years - and if I had enough hours in the day I'd visit & comment every single day to just plain share the love.

But since Halloween I've been feeling a little run down. No biggie. However, I wanted to take a moment to sincerely wish every single one of you the absolute BEST Thanksgiving ever! Whether you're celebrating with a large family, turkey & all the trimmings (I'm a vegan, so it's candied yams & green been casserole for moi), ... or curled up with a sammich & the day off work, ... I want everybody to know they are loved and special! 


Ps - If you can, PLEASE throw some scraps out for the birds, squirrels, stray kitties, etc. 
What's scrap & leftovers & waste to US can literally feed, comfort & save the life of the vulnerable creatures who share this planet with us. On their behalf, I thank you with all my heart~

Love, Mary Ann


  1. HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO YOU TOO!!! I hope you get to chillax and have some light-hearted fun : ) My yard pets are extremely pushy, and when the food is even a few minutes late, I hear about it- Melvin the woodchuck, Woody the woodpecker- and many, many more! I love them all- my dog doesn't feel this way about our outlaw band of squirrels though- I think they make faces at him through the slider-lol! Love that you mention all the little critters out there! ~ Jess

  2. Love your *yard pets*, Jess! <3
    And I'm fairly certain Woody & Melvin are indulging in all types of insolence (behind your back, of course) to your *innocent* sweet doggie lol

    In my neck of the woods (make that ... CORNBELT), the wildlife seem to have a neon sign directing their vast assortment of kith & kin in my direction. My inside kitties hate everybody's outside guts (not that their GUTS are outside, just their proximity lol). But as long as the catnip holds out, I think we'll be okay <3 ;D

  3. Happy Thanksgiving!! *HUG* I hope you have an awesome holiday with food comas, friends, and family. My kitties are super spoiled and hopefully will leave the pies alone for once so I can spoil them with kitty treats and love. <3

  4. Tons of Thanksgiving love & hugs to you, too, Elizabeth! <3
    Give your kitties extra smoochies from *Auntie M.A.D.*, and plenty of pie-shaped (? lol) treats ;D

  5. Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you're feeling better soon.

  6. Hi- Hope you are doing well! Just wanted to pop in to say hi. ;)

  7. Hi guys! :)
    No, not really. I'm feeling pretty overwhelmed here lately, and I haven't decided if I want to keep my blog or not.
    Thank you for asking <3

  8. Hi MAD, Just popping over to say hello : ) I hope all is well! I miss hearing from you. Wishing you the best ~ Jess

  9. Thank you, Jess! <3
    You're a sweetie!!
